
Woodmansey Neighbourhood Development Plan

Our “Mission Statement”

“The Neighbourhood Development Plan Committee of Woodmansey wish to create a future for the village that does not restrict development and the future plans of the community. We would like this project to help us to further develop a visually aesthetic and more community focused place to live, compatible with every aspect of modern life whilst maintaining the unique features that this area boasts. We wish to support local jobs, local amenities, create further local employment, enhance the local school and children’s facilities and supply suitable retirement/starter/family homes for our wider community.”


Park Green Space

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.

What are the benefits to a community of developing a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood Planning provides the opportunity for our community to set out a positive vision for how we want this community to develop over the next ten, fifteen, twenty years in ways that meet identified local need and make sense for local people. They can put in place planning policies that will help deliver that vision or grant planning permission for the development they want to see.
To help deliver this vision communities that take a proactive approach by drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan and secure the consent of local people in a referendum, will benefit from 25 percent of the revenues from the Community Infrastructure Levy arising from the development that takes place in their area.

Neighbourhood planning is not a legal requirement but a right which communities in England can choose to use.

Neighbourhood planning enables communities to play a much stronger role in shaping the areas in which they live and work and in supporting new development proposals. This is because unlike the parish, village or town plans that communities may have prepared, a neighbourhood plan forms part of the development plan prepared by the local planning authority. Decisions on planning applications will be made using both the Local Plan and the neighbourhood plan, and any other material considerations.


What is Woodmansey using our own Neighbourhood Plan for?

Woodmansey Neighbourhood Plan is inspiring local people and businesses to consider ways to improve their neighbourhood through the development and use of land. They have identified specific action or policies that will deliver necessary local improvements. Woodmansey can choose to set planning policies through a neighbourhood plan that is used in determining planning applications. It also addresses the development and use of local land. Woodmansey can agree to local plans and gain planning permission through Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders for specific development which complies with the order.

What should Woodmansey Neighbourhood Plan address?

Woodmansey Neighbourhood Plan seeks to support the strategic development needs plan positively to support local development.

In helping to create this vision we would like to introduce the village to some options that may address some of these ideas.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan (Neighbourhood Plan) is a concentrated zone in the heart of the village of Woodmansey and has for many years lacked most public services that one would expect in a large village, e.g. Sports and recreational facilities, surgery, Post Office, shop etc. Beverley has been the focus of the majority of funding from local government and private development, leaving Woodmansey un-provided for. We are also looking to create “The right homes, in the right places”.


Employment and Job Creation: Woodmansey has been a centre for job creation and today there is more than 5000 jobs in the parish, employment hubs that include Tokenspire Business Park in the north of the village and Woodmansey Business Park at Plaxton Bridge in the south. These two sites combined have in excess of 1500 jobs and should be recognised as the long term and permanent employment zones that they are in the NDP’s plan and should be encouraged to grow by supporting the creation of more industrial buildings as Flood 2 Areas can accommodate employment land with few restrictions.

Employment Zones – There is a shortage of “starter units” from 1000 to 5000 sqft with office and hi-tech facilities.  “Green environment location offices” instead of being in city centres would be provided in the village.

Internet – Super-fast local broadband connection encourages technology hubs to attract media and communication business. 

Care Homes/Sheltered Housing – The aging population creates jobs and care offers in various packages-Serviced Care Homes /A community Retirement Village /Assisted Living / Retirement Zone in a safe quiet village setting. 

Retail – Woodmansey Garden Centre has a butchers shop, a large café and a wide range of seasonal offers. Coletta & Tyson a very important plant wholesale distributor largest and another large employer in the area, committing and contributing millions to Woodmansey’s prosperity.

Infrastructure – Problems with flood, sewerage and surface water are urgently in need of updating and we have an opportunity to correct in the form of development.

  1. drains and surface water facilities have not been updated for many years-could they be linked to Barmston drain?
  2. ponds and lagoons could be incorporated into the scheme to address high water concerns and create visual enhancements.
  3. the village sewerage pumping station has been situated for many years in the centre of houses and now has the opportunity to be relocated to a new position within the NDP area.
  4. there are Green Energy Generators located on Woodmansey Business Park.
  5. good public transport and cycle routes through the village.

Safety enhancements could include:

  1. introduction of speed camera on an averaging basis
  2. possible roundabout at long lane
  3. speed awareness electronic signs.

 Sports Facilities – Woodmansey has very limited sporting and leisure facilities and through the plan we need to address the non-commercial needs of the village. The village would benefit from some of the following: multi surface sports facility adjacent to the school and of a size that could offer to the village tennis / football / hockey / netball, encouraging team sports and health. 

Home Insurance – We as a village have home insurance difficulties on old properties in river flood risk areas.

Housing Development in Woodmansey – It is important to convey to local council the importance of the shared development. There will be CIL support in place to help community projects, this is not committed to Woodmansey and is up for grabs for “live” projects. The ‘106 Agreement’ is a law that encourages developers to build in the registered development areas. This may change and we need to explore how it fits into our existing Neighbourhood Plan. 88 new houses within the Woodmansey NDP zone have recently been approved. 44 of these currently under construction are outside our Neighbourhood Plan area and will not contribute to a shared development. 

Lakes and Ponds – This area of the Neighbourhood Plan for Woodmansey has the potential to confront a major local issues: environmental drainage. We need local ponds creating and including within the development and included in the plan. This has the added benefit of pleasant and enhancing landscaping. This will further add to the proposed “green walks and cycle paths” in the NDP, linking dwelling and work zones together.

Medical Facilities in Woodmansey – The NHS already have a report pending in its East Riding Strategy Document and a Medical Centre in Woodmansey is not an unfeasible proposition. This could include and integrate: drop-in clinic, retirement/care and dental care.

How could all this work? – The commercial units and shops would provide jobs. Development/employment land is allocated already as it will be Flood 3 or less valuable areas. The School, church and sports facilities will need support from the development. Landscaping and ponds will need to be provided through shared development. It is important to confirm to all parties involved: developers, villagers and land owners, that this is a shared development and a partnership and is only achievable in this format, not as piecemeal plots.